
2024-25 Programme

Autumn Semester

30 October, 4:30-5:30 pm
French Centre Welcome Party
The Undercroft/St John’s Garden, 69-71 South Street

7-8 November
Franco-Scottish Doctoral Seminar
Institut français d’Écosse, West Parliament Square, Edinburgh

21 November, 5-6:30 pm
Biannual Seminar, Tom Hamilton (Durham University), ‘A Widow’s Vengeance after the Wars of Religion’
The New Seminar Room, 69 South St

Spring Semester

2023-24 Programme

Autumn Semester

20 September, 4-6pm
French Centre Welcome Party
The Undercroft/St John’s Garden, 69-71 South Street

5 October, 5.30pm
Pauline Van Thienen (École nationale de Chartes)
‘Renewing the Auld alliance: the Franco-Scottish relationship under the regency of John Stuart, duke of Albany (1515-1524)’, Institute of Scottish Historical Research Seminar
Old Class Library, 69 South Street

26 October, 5-7pm (Buchanan 216), ‘A Night at the (Paris) Opera’
Biannual Seminar, Prof Felicia McCarren (Professor of French at Tulane University; 2023-24 Leverhulme Visiting Fellow at Oxford)

27 October, 10am-noon (Old Class Library, 65-71 South Street)
PGR Workshop with Prof Felicia McCarren (Professor of French at Tulane University; 2023-24 Leverhulme Visiting Fellow at Oxford)

7 November, 4-6pm
Postgraduate Meetup, The Undercroft/St John’s Garden, 69-71 South Street

15 November, 1-2pm
Salon Talk, Katherine Stratton (Modern Languages)
‘Practical Horsemanship and Education in Sixteenth-Century France: Charles Perier and the Printed Horse’ (St Katherine’s Lodge, room 0.01)

1-2 December (69 South St, Old Class Library)
8th Annual Late Medieval France and Burgundy Seminar: Exploration, Importation, Adaptation

Spring Semester

24 January, 3.30-5pm (Old Seminar Room, 65-71 South Street)
Postgraduate Lightning Talks Workshop, Reception to follow in the Undercroft, 65-71 South Street, from 5-6pm

21 February, 4-5pm (School 2, Wine reception to follow at 79 North Street)
Spring Semester School of Art History French Visual Culture Seminar with Dr Susan Laxton, Professor in the History of Art at the University of California, Riverside, ‘Surrealist Photomontage c. 1931: Politics and Desire’

8 March, 11am-5pm (Old Class Library, 65-71 South Street)
St Andrews Postgraduate Symposium

The Centre organises and hosts a wide range of conferences, workshops and other gatherings, to foster and support research into the history and culture of France and the Francophone world. Our events include:

WORKSHOPS ~ We regularly organise one or two-day workshops. Click here for further details

SEMINARS ~ Once or twice a year we invite an external speaker to present their research at St Andrews. The full list of speakers is available here

SALONS ~ Lunchtime gatherings at which St Andrews staff and postgraduates present their work informally to colleagues.  Click here for past programmes

If you would like to attend one of our events, or would like to be added to our mailing list, please let us know: [email protected]  


Contact the Centre’s Director, Dr. Justine Firnhaber-Baker: [email protected]

Mailing Address:
Centre for French History and Culture
School of History
University of St Andrews