Postgraduate Study

Taught courses

Within the School of History students interested in French history have a number of opportunities available to specialise in this field as well as gaining a more general grounding in historiography and skills of historical research. Further information about our taught postgraduate courses can be found on the ‘Study at St Andrews’ pages on the main University of St Andrews website or by clicking on the links below.

M.Litt. in Modern History

M.Litt. in Early Modern History

M.Litt. in Medieval History and M. Litt. in Medieval Studies

PhD Opportunities

Members of the Centre for French History and Culture offer PhD supervision in their areas of expertise within three of St Andrews’ Academic Schools. We can provide opportunity to study subjects within a single school, but we can also provide multiple opportunities for interdisciplinary study for those students interested in this approach. St Andrews offers excellent library resources in French history, while research students benefit from being members of the community of French historians who make up the Centre’s staff and from attendance at the Centre’s seminars and other research events. The staff members associated with the Centre, both in the School of History and in the Schools of Art History and Modern Languages, have extensive contacts with international research institutes and learned societies: including the Centre d’Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance at the Université François Rabelais at Tours; the Institute on Napoleon and the French Revolution at Florida State University; and the Institut d’Histoire du Temps Présent in Paris. PhD students in the School of History are entitled to an automatic research and travel allowance, and may bid for further support from the School for their research.

Language Training

The University of St Andrews can offer full opportunities for training in the French language for postgraduates, and our relationship with the Institut Français d’Ecosse in Edinburgh supplements our own provision and provides further opportunities to enhance language skills (and cultural awareness of France). Fluent French is by no means necessary to embark upon one of our MLitt. degrees, though a basic working knowledge of the language is desirable.

Funding Opportunities

The School of History offers postgraduate funding opportunities for both the MLitt. and the PhD programmes. The School’s webpages give full details of the awards available and how to apply.

Click here to find out about Postgraduate scholarships available via the University of St Andrews French history in St Andrews has enjoyed a high rate of success in competitions for full postgraduate funding from the Scottish Graduate School (AHRC) and the Carnegie Trust.


We welcome all enquiries for postgraduate study at St Andrews in the fields of French history and culture. Please write to us at [email protected]


Contact the Centre’s Director, Dr. Justine Firnhaber-Baker: [email protected]

Mailing Address:
Centre for French History and Culture
School of History
University of St Andrews